E-Commerce Website Development & Launch $1500+ (plus cost of hosting)

Our eCommerce site includes all the features of our Custom Design package, but includes a customizable storefront.


WordPress setup starting at $750 (plus cost of hosting)

Dont be fooled by companies that only install your application and you are responsible for adding plugins, changing the theme, etc.  We will make sure your site has the look and feel you want and show you how to use it.   Our package includes set up of:

  • WordPress content management system, including basic WordPress theme.
  • Social media buttons and configuration to allow visitors to share with other readers and connect to your other media platforms.
  • Up to 3 hours of theme customization.
  • Google Analytics on your site so you can track visitors.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is built in to allow your site to achieve better results in search engines.
  • Submit blog and sitemap to Google, Yahoo and other major search engines
  • Set up spam management tools
  • A one-hour training session on settings and how to use the blog
  • URL Submittable to major search engines

One web page or Social Media setup starting at $500 (plus cost of hosting)

Includes set up of:

  • Facebook Page:  Add all of your contact information and import existing contacts, load any photos   provided by client and create a photo album, import, integrate Twitter and create a custom landing page.
  • Twitter Profile Import contacts, customize settings, create a bio and get you started by following key businesses related to your industry.
  • LinkedIn Upload your resume, create a profile, and follow key businesses related to your industry.
  • Optional YouTube Channel, Flickr or Instagram photo sharing account.

Mittwoch, Mai 6, 2015

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